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October 9, 2011: Dreams   Leave a comment

I have had some strange dreams in my lifetime. I had one last night. I had this dream that I was in my bedroom with my husband TJ. This was this blond woman with us. I’m not sure if she was a friend or a “girlfriend”. TJ started fucking her doggystyle and I can remember being very pissed off about it. I saw the look on his face and he was loving it. He acted like I wasn’t even there. I got up and left the room with one of my daughters. I was trying to explain why I was mad to my daughter. I was getting my daughters some socks since I had to take them home. I walked past our closed bedroom door. I didn’t want to go in there since I knew what was going on. I was so mad and hurt at the same time. When I finally woke up my heart was pounding so fast. I was mad. I knew it was a dream but I was still mad. After TJ woke up I told him about my dream and he told me that he would never do that. I know he wouldn’t do that. Now the question is why would I dream that? What does it mean?

I had another dream a couple of months ago. This one is a bit different. I had this dream that me and TJ had a little baby girl. We named her Brooklyn. She was so little and cute. We were shopping. Going around Wal-Mart getting clothes and stuff. It was a nice dream. When I woke up I told TJ my dream. He thought it was nice. We went to the store to do some shopping and saw this cute little bathing suit for a girl. TJ picked it up and told me that Brooklyn would look so cute in this bathing suit. She would be just like me and like the color purple.

Then there was this other dream that I was at Wal-Mart and we had a baby boy. He was still little sitting in his car seat. I was looking for the bottles and couldn’t find them. I started screaming “Where are the bottles?” I was going around this baby aisle that had everything but bottles. I couldn’t find the bottles. TJ was shopping for other stuff and I asked him to help me find the bottles. Then I woke up.

I would love to have another baby. My youngest daughter is 10. I got my tubes tied after I had her. 

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